Old News

23.09.2014 Harley Davidson – Club Finland, end of the season party in Pori!

Next weekend (Sat 27.9.2014) we will be playing in Yyteri, Pori at Harley Davidson – Club Finland, end of the season party. It’s around the
Top Camping area where all the magic happens. See you there!

21.02.2014 Kartanorock!

See you next Saturday in Iisalmi! Our notorious pig squad is playing with Slapping Handlers at Runni spa/restaurant. Slapping Handlers is a red hot trio from Iisalmi with upright bass and all…it’s going to be a hot night in eastern Texas! Sooo…see you there!

02.01.2014 Happy new year 2014!

Greedypig.net went through a minor facelift during the Christmas holidays. It’s an ongoing process, still takes a couple of weeks to get all the pages updated. Please be patient. We try be more active updating the news section this year. We need to stop being lazy bastards! Now!

Thanks to all of you who came to see our gigs and bought our records in 2013! We have a couple of new songs ready to be recorded and that’s our plan for the next couple of months. Let’s see what happens. That’s all for now. Rock & roll!

07.02.2013 Coming up next…LAPLAND TATTOO WEEKEND 2013!

Yours truly conquers the stage on saturday in Tornio. See you there!
Click the image to see the full schedule…

25.11.2012 John’s Rock Show

Greedy Pig is on the air tonight in John Forster’s Rock Show at 6 p.m. GTM (that’s 20.00 in Finland). The Rock Show is hosted on Birmingham City Radio, HeyZ Radio Network, A1Radio and Radio Beatz, and now also on MixxFM.

Tune in and have a listen…
John Forster’s Rock Show

Chatroom is also available so come on in and give us a comment!

11.11.2012 Check out latest Blues News magazine!

Hello world! Lately we’ve been working on our schedule for the coming year. Half a dozen gigs already confirmed, more to come. If you want us to play in your home town, don’t hesitate to contact us!

And yes, in the new Blues News Magazine Mr. Pänttäjä is chatting about our latest release Boogiedriller, about our past and things to come. Be sure to chek it out. Blues News is also available as a digital download from Lehtiluukku

19.03.2012 Boogiedriller record release parties in Tornio and Kemi!

Next weekend we will have our first record release parties, so please be kind enough to drag your ragged ass to Umpitunneli Tornio and Cumulus Kemi ’cause you certainly don’t want to miss these riots! Right?

And check out High Wide and handsome, a tearjerker and a weepie from our new album.

06.03.2012 Boogiedriller will be officially released tomorrow 7th of March 2012!

Perfect day!

20.02.2012 Ain’t No Place!

Another sample from the rockin’ new album BOOGIEDRILLERAin’t No Place!

12.02.2012 BOOGIEDRILLER…first preview!

Check out our first preview from the new album…Rock’n’Roll Car!

Want to make a pre-order for our upcoming album? You can do it here…
CDON Finland
CDON Sweden
CDON Norway
Tornion Musiikki
…or any decent record store around the globe!

Mp3 downloads available at Amazon (release date 7 Mar 2012)…
Amazon UK
Amazon DE
Amazon FR

Download from Meteli.net…

29.11.2011 BOOGIEDRILLER coming up!

New album BOOGIEDRILLER will be released on last week of February 2012!

18.03.2011 Motorcycle! The ultimate chick magnet…bound to get you laid!

Anyway, there is a story on Greedy Pig in latest Scanbike magazine. Are we bound to get laid? Oh, yeah!

About the upcoming new record…we still need to get some tracks recorded, this time in Oulunsalo, Finland. Drum tracks are already there but it takes some serious howling and guitar playing (a device that P�ne uses mostly in combination with an amplifier to produce a sound of high volume and intensity) and finally some four string buzz to add muddy flavor to the soup. All this takes place at Rustman’s Country Garage. Mr. Hannu ‘Guts’ Leiden is already mixing our album in Suomenlinna so everything is looking good so far. So some mixing, cover designing and shrink wrapping and we are all done. Is it a deal?

And most probably the new record will be called “BOOGIEDRILLER”! Do I smell bacon?

19.12.2010 Be merry my friend, be merry!

Merry Christmas and happy new year to all our friends & enemies! See you next year! We love you all!

05.08.2010 Greetings from Norway!

Read all about our adventures in foreign countries in Väylän Pyörre-blog (in finnish, sorry).

Notorious pig squad in strange environment.
Lofoten, Norway 01.08.2010

Greedy Pig & Havana Black posing in front of Valhalla.
Vasula, Estonia 18.07.2010.

28.07.2010 Lately we’ve been breaking legs, smashing Thunderbirds, playing gigs
in Keuruu and Estonia, sunbathing and working in studio…

but next weekend we will be playing in Norwegian National H.O.G. Rally in Svolv�r Lofoten! See you there! Click on the image below to check out the official festival site…

15.04.2010 Coming up next…

…and meanwhile in the jungle…P�ne keeps howlin’ and weilin’ at the studio. The drums are in, the time is out and we are in for the kill! But it’s going to be a one helluva record…


New song ‘Idle Motion’ online at www.myspace.com/greedypigfinland.

Record sold at CDON.com, LevykauppaX and any decent record store around the globe! Get your copy NOW!

04.02.2010 Listen songs from ‘North Will Rise Again’

Ten songs from North Will Rise Again now available online at MySpace…including Greedy’s new bluesy rocker ‘Holler’…go and listen at MySpace…


Pre-orders at CDON.com!

23.01.2010 Facebook – a stalkers dream come true…

You know, you don’t have to follow restraining orders in FB! Did you know that? Now all you lurkers, watchers and creepers, come join our happy crew in Facebook! Just go ahead, click on that button and there you go…Even if you’re an average mr nice guy just go on, we don’t mind. To be honest…we need more friends! Desperate, aren’t we?

17.01.2010 Coming out soon…

Now available for pre-order in CDON.com!

14.01.2010 RIP Mick Green 1944-2010

Mick Green’s son Brad Green, writing on his father’s web site, released the following statement on 11th of January 2010…

“It is with the greatest of sorrow that I have to inform you all that my father, Mick Green, has this morning passed away. My dad will be deeply missed by his family, friends and fans all around the world. He inspired and dazzled with his amazing talent and his sharp personality and wit. His spirit and his music will continue to live on through his music. Thank you all for your support and thoughts.”

Greedy Pig was honored to tour with mr Green during the spring 1999 in Finland playing all those famous Pirates songs. The band was called Mick Green Band. Mick was always a gentleman, great storyteller and a sweetest personality with a great sense of humour. And of course, a great musician. We met again in August 2008 in Kemi, Finland where GP was playing on stage before the Pirates. We talked about Mick visiting our next album as a guest and Mick agreed. Eventually that never happened. We are incredibly sad to hear that Mick is no longer with us. Mick Green was in a class of his own.

“Heaven just got a bit louder.”

We were remembering our 1999 tour with Mick just a couple a weeks ago (in finnish)…

24.11.2009 HOG Norwegian National Rally!

Our gig on Harley Owners Group Norwegian National Rally in Lofoten 31st of July 2010 has just been confirmed! Check out what it’s all about…

Video poistettu.

01.10.2009 Rehearsing…

Yippe Ka Yee! All right folks, here’s some notes what’s going on in the Pigsty at the moment!

We started rehearsing our new material last weekend. We got some songs packed up and we did few demos as well. Tomorrow we shall continue! Damn right! We got about ten songs to get through with and arrange them a bit. Just to be sure that they are ready when we start competition with that famous red light. We have plans to begin the recordings after Christmas. So stay tuned for some serious Rock’n Roll!

07.06.2009 SUPER RALLY chill out…

Thanks to all you great people in Seinäjoki! We met all the usual suspects and 12.000 more! The weather was perfect and the place was packed with bikers! Everything was peaches & cream. Extra special thanks to mr Mad Professor Harri Koski for providing their excellent gear for the stage. The MP amp seriously kicks ass! Big hand for Harri! Go chek out the live pictures from Super Rally 2009.

27.05.2009 SUPER RALLY 2009 coming up!

They are expecting up to 10.000 bikers from all over the Europe to Seinäjoki and the weather man says it’s going to be hot! Lot of hogs in heat! We are playing on main stage right after the Fabulous Thunderbirds and the strippers on friday. Yes, the strippers! Sounds verrrry interesting. See the the whole four day menu at the official Super Rally 2009 web site. The pigs are also playing acoustic gigs on saturday and sunday around the area. See you there!

See also couple of new LIVE-pics from Oulu Tattoo festival. Thanks to Jaani Föhr for the photography!

19.04.2009 Anything worth doing is worth overdoing

…and that’s what we’ve been up to lately. We have two new songs recorded and they will be released next summer. We give more info on that as soon as we get the dates confirmed. Studio work will keep the pig squad busy for the rest of the year but we have couple of nice gigs comin’ up too. Take a look at our gig list. See you next weekend in Oulu!

Upcoming gigs!

30.12.2008 Howdy Ho!

This time we won’t bore you to tears with our hard luck stories…we’d only like to WISH YOU ALL HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!
There will be less broken promises and more slippin’ & slidin’, twistin’ & turnin’, howlin’ & croonin’, more boogie, more woogie and more Rock & Roll! Take care of your self and we’ll see next year! Rrrright!

06.10.2008 It’s been a while

Lately we’ve been keeping up a liver-breaking-pace on recording new songs and making new arrangements for the old ones. We have couple of
gigs coming up but otherwise we will concentrate on recording new stuff for the rest of the autumn. According to our secret indian witch-doctor the stuff is rockin’ like hell. ‘Nuff said? More news on the recording issue later.

What else…we have some new LIVE-pics from last summer. Also the latest Kopteri magazine has an article on Harley Davidson CF International Rally from last june. Check it out, you may find some familiar looking pigs there. That’s all for now.


19.08.2008 Serious stage mojo and other weird shit!

It was a busy weekend for us work-a-phobic slackers. We started on thursday by laying down drums for a couple of new tracks and prepared our gear for the upcoming gigs. We will hear more about the new stuff later once we get the guitars and vocs down as well. Thanks goes to Antti, our gin-soaked producer for his expertise and “patience”. We would also like to thank Reindeershit MC for the use and abuse of their home base on the Swedish side of the border. We just love your collection of Hungarian art films..

Also thanks to all the people that came up to see us in Rovaniemi and Kemi! We will soon add some new photoes from on and off the stage and some pics from the recording studio as well. Then there’s that morally questionable stuff that seem to miss all the known categories…maybe we’ll add a new “weird shit”-page to our site, we’ll see…but till then, keep on rockin’!

Some pics from last saturday…

Mick and Päne in the back stage after the show.
Tapsa, Mick and the bloke with that creepy eyeball!

The Pirates!

11.08.2008 Pigs meet the good ol’ cockney rebels!

Yes, next saturday we will be playin’ in Kemi with the PIRATES. We have our own history with mr. Mick Green so it’s great to share the stage with the guys and refresh the memories. We also have a show in Rovaniemi on friday so it’s going to be a lot of butt kickin’ kind of fun! See you there!

The Pirates!

06.07.2008 Did I say BASTARD?!

We just meant to say that we love you hooligans! All of you!

Big wheels!
Big wheels!
H-DCF International Rally!

Click on the image to download the poster in PDF-format.

We also added half a dozen new live pics from Tornio (thanks Antti!!). That’s ancient history from last summer. Hmmm…it’s kind of pretty to be that ugly. Enjoy!

09.06.2008 Sharing the stage with the PIRATES in August!

Check out the latest additions on our gig list!

03.06.2008 Manic earlybirditude is not our thang

Would you be a little smoother on the accelerator pedal P�ne? Wha?! Never!! We almost killed our car on the highway, but we still managed to arrive fashionably late at the Texas Music Hall last friday. Thanks for the patience of the Texas sound man, we were able to have our sound check almost normally. Lucky bastards.

Drunken bastards, as it later turned out to be. But before we puked out our left lungs we played an excellent show for all our friends, enemies and shitfaced celebrities. Sooo cool!

Anyway, once again thanks for all the lovely people, thieves and villains who came to see us in Helsinki and Lappeenranta. Hope to see you soon!

See new LIVE PICS from Lappeenranta.

14.04.2008 New song added!

‘Nuff said? Check out our MySpace-site…and leave your comment!


12.03.2008 Our prodigal son just came back home..

Party time, people, Tapsa is back in the old continent! Just wanted to let you know…

There’s also some new stuff comin’ up. Still needs the final mix. What it sounds like? Cat fight in a phonebooth? Big ol’ hog roaring? All that with an extra spicy flavor. There you go. But it still needs that final touch.

18.02.2008 Live NUDE pigs! XXX!

Did we catch your attention? Good! According to the farmers yearbook from 1956, most women between 18-98 years of age are into pig fetishism. Don’t believe us? Anyway, go see our latest LIVE PICS.

By looking at the photos you might wonder where the hell is his Dudeness, the geetar hero mr. Ollonen. Don’t worry, there’s a reason for everything. He was unable to participate on our last gig because he’s travellin’ around the globe as a drum technician for the northern heavy metal gods Sonata Arctica. They are touring in Canada and North & South America at the moment. It’s all hang overs, jet lags and Pan Am highway blues. But he’ll be back!

11.02.2008 Git up off yer bee-hind, Bubba!

…’cause it’s time to testify brothers and sisters! Yes, we just love the southern hospitality! Jep, kiitokset Salon koplalle! Bileet oli hienot ja tarjoilu yltäkylläistä. Kesällä soitellaan HD-juhlissa Kemissä mutta toivottavasti törmäillään jo aiemmin. Kiitos!

29.01.2008 Myspace unshittyfied!

We suffered from minor administrative problems with our myspace account and we were forced to create a new one that can be found at www.myspace.com/GreedyPigFinland. Go check it out and leave your comment!

Next weekend we will be doing a gig in Salo with the ee-zee riders. Hope to see you there! That’s all for now folks. Take care!

23.12.2007 Time for seasonal greetings…

For the obvious reasons this is not our favourite time of the year…
but be merry my friend, be merry! Once again our heroic hogs
succesfully avoided the butchers knife, and while you’re reading this they
are already heading for their next wild, loud and morally questionable adventure. Hi ho silver!

Thanks for this past year! It’s been a lot of fun. And hey, if you should feel constipated after enjoying all the Christmas delicacy, remember that we keep delivering the brown noise right after the new year. See you there!

18.12.2007 Introducing the Big Bad Boozer!

Some of you might have already noticed that there’s been some changes in our line-up. Due to his overloaded work schedules, brother Joffel decided to leave the band last summer. We’re still friends and this is not the end of the world for any of us. Anyway, we were lucky to find our replacement guitar slinger so fast. He saved our asses on a couple of gigs and now he’s a part of our pig squad.

Ok, drum roll here….introducing brother Tapsa Ollonen on geetaarrr!

Consider this as a fair warning…he looks like Billy Gibbons junior (check out the pic above, yes, the left one) and he plays his six string like a mad hog on acid! Listen folks, where ever you park your trailer be sure to hide your small pets and daughters ’cause there’s a wild hog on the loose…!

About next year…there’s no big announcements yet, but it looks like there’s a good year coming. We are listing our gigs as soon as they are confirmed. Anyway, we were doing a show in Lappeenranta a few months ago and now we’ve been requested to do another one on January…and why not! Thanks to all the good people living there! Cheers!

29.10.2007 Great weekend!

Ha! Thanks to all you sweaty rockers, stinky rollers and rest of the weirdos who came to see us in Jyv�skyl� and Lappeenranta last weekend! Great bars, funny people and amazing party. Thanks!

While recovering from last weekends boozing, take a look at our new LIVE PICS from Jyväskylä. !

26.09.2007 Geezer this, geezer that…

We just heard that there was some Greedy Pig related content shown last night on Finnish television. According to our anonymous sources the program was Yle arkisto: Äijärock at YLE Teema.

You missed that? So did the Pigs. And so did Uncle Vernon. Well yeah, actually, he’s a pig too..but the good news is that there’s going to be a replay tomorrow night (thu 27.09.) at 19.00!

12.09.2007 Buzz fly, buzz fly…

Ok, brothers and sisters, winter is coming…be sure to SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL HOBOS!
Give a life to a train hopper! Save the tramps!

Seriously folks, what we were supposed to say is that we have a new email address for our “support services”. You can contact us in any kind of business. You need us for a gig? You have suggestions or questions? Just ordinary hate mail? Your sugar daddy turned out to be a hustler or your neighbour is a fucking dickweed and you want us to do something about it? You have nothing to say in particular and you want share it with us? Anything goes! Just keep them mails coming people, keep them mails coming!

07.09.2007 Some news, some live pics and some cheap jokes..

How’s life in trailer park? Uh, never mind…
Anyway, the big bad porky is planning to record some new howling and weiling in mid september. This time folks, I think he’s for real. Apart from the slight (but obvious) drinking problem the main pig is, well…tougher than ever. We’ll see what happens..

And another thing here…we found some pictures from the vault or dungeon or where ever it is that you’re supposed to keep the pictures of drunken dirty pigs (well, I know uncle Vernon was a drunken pig and your aunt Annie was a dirty slut but you would not want THESE guys in your family album. Right?) and we decided to share the agony. See LIVE PICS. Still hoping to get some live video from Tornio on our site, we are working on that.

02.09.2007 Some new pics available @ www.tcccry.com…

There are some pictures from our show in Tornio at Tornio Classic Cars Club’s web page. See pictures-section @ www.tcccry.com and select Cruising and Rocking 2007 from the folders. We will add more pics and hopefully even some rockin’ video from Tornio at GP site later on.

Thanks to TCCC and all the people there! We will continue our adventures and ass kicking activities in Jyv�skyl� and Lappeenranta. See you there!

27.06.2007 New shows added!

See the old hogs on stage! Check out the shows -section!
Wanna know what the pigs are all about…? Try me!

06.05.2007 Hello all you bootleggers, moonshiners and boogie drillers!

Ekana kiitokset kaikille lestinheittäjille, kivimiehille ja muille taparikollisille jotka tulivat seuraamaan GP:n edesottamuksia Lappeenrannan Totemiin! Meno oli mahtavaa, kaukaloa kaatui ja tanner tömisi…possut kiittää ja kumartaa kärsänpää kosteana!

Samana viikonloppuna oltiin possuleirissä muutenkin aktiivisia. Kun päästiin kotikarsinalle niin vedettiin änkyrät ja räimittiin narulle bassonlänkytystä pariin uuteen ralliin. Vielä röhkitään laulut sisään niin saadaan uutta pauketta ja räminää MEDIA osastolle. Stay tuned!

Seuraavaksi rokataan Nurmeksessa parin viikon päästä. See ya there!

BTW, Greedyn liverutistusta pääsee kuunteleen osoitteessa www.MySpace.com/GreedyPigRocks. Sinne. HETI!

21.04.2007 Greedy opens new fuckin’ website!

New website is here ladies and gents!

Check out the shows -section! Few new gig have been added there.

20.12.2006 Säätöä

Uudet sivut ovat työn alla. Nykyinen palautelinkki mailin kautta ei toimi. Se oli poistettava tietoturvasyistä. Myös uusia biisejä äänitellään parhaillaan. Palataan asiaan.

15.11.2006 Kesän Ruotsin keikalta kommentit

Arvioita tästä linkistä:

Finska Greedy Pig spelar tung blues som g�r hem p� stranden:


10.09.2006 KEIKAT

22.04.06 Tornio, Umppari
05.05.06 Savonlinna, The Rocks
01.07.06 Imatra, H-D Picnic Party
15.07.06 Flakasand Festival, Sweden
13.10 Old Cock, Lappeenranta
14.10 The Rocks, Savonlinna

07.04.2006 Site updated

Site is updated. More material is coming soon.

16.03.2006 Naamat

Naamat valuu ja vaihtuu ja odottavan aika on kirotun pitkä.Thanks and be patient.

16.03.2006 TÖE! everybody!

Ekaks isot kiitokset mukavasta palautteesta.Dokumenttia
“Läpi harmaan kiven” seurasi Ylen katsojalukumittauksen
mukaan noin 448 000 katsojaa.”Näinollen” ollaan neuvoteltu jo kakkososasta…no joo,oli meillä asiaakin!Ollaan tehty
laitehankintoja ja viimeistelty uutta treeni/äänitystilaa;
uusien biisien kimpussa ollaan ja treenataan niinku lahjattomat tekee ku biisit on tosi hölömöjä.
Ja tietenki!Tuttu ja ääriv***umainen Mr.Murphy lakeineen ojentaa sikaa sähkö/vesivahinkojen merkeissä!Kiitos,thank you!Oliko vielä muuta tähän nahkaan!Saat..a!
Keikoista ja muista häppeninkeistä ilmoitellaan tällä NEWS-sivulla heti kun paikat ja ajankohdat varmistuvat.
Sivuille laitellaan piakkoin uutta infoa,kuvia,haju-ääntä ja kaikensorttista pauketta.Kaikesta huolimatta pysykää valveutuneina,hä…hkö?

Warner Music Finland hoitaa Greedyn musan digikauppaa.
Heillä on paljon materiaalia jonossa,joten homma on vielä
vaiheessa.Aineisto on menossa eteenpäin ja ladattavissa esim. www.biisi.fi

15.03.2006 Damn!

The fucking Pig`s alive! Faceflows and changes in the crew!

If Warner Music Finland does the right thing you can download the music in mp3 www.biisi.fi.
It’s promised to be available within three weeks.

Copyright © 2025 Greedy Pig | Rock Band by Catch Themes